Breathe, Stretch, Heal: The Power of Yin Yoga in Relieving Anxiety

Breathe, Stretch, Heal: The Power of Yin Yoga in Relieving Anxiety

Bonus: Get a free Yin Yoga practice video. Details below. Grief comes in many forms. It can come from the loss of a loved one or from life’s unexpected challenges. Navigating the complex grief landscape is hard. Anxiety often joins the journey. Many seek solace and healing in yoga. In particular, the gentle practice of…

Finding Serenity in Stillness: Yin Yoga for Stress Release & Grief Healing

Finding Serenity in Stillness: Yin Yoga for Stress Release & Grief Healing

BONUS: Get your free Yin Yoga practice video by choosing it from the signup form below. You may be coping with the loss of a loved one or a big life change. Or, you may be navigating the complexities of daily life. Finding peace is crucial for your mental and emotional well-being. The ancient practice…

Discovering Comfort in Yin Yoga

Discovering Comfort in Yin Yoga: Navigating the Healing Path of Grief

Grief is a complex journey. Each person travels it differently. They grapple with loss and seek solace in pain. Society often dictates how fast we should heal. But, Yin Yoga offers a deep and personal way to navigate grief. The Essence of Yin Yoga Yin Yoga is slow and introspective. It encourages practitioners to hold…

Gift Yourself Time to Grieve: A Realistic Guide to Finding Patience Through Meditation

Gift Yourself Time to Grieve: A Realistic Guide to Finding Patience Through Meditation

Grieving is natural and human. But, in our fast society, we often underestimate the time and patience needed to heal. Amid the daily hustle, it’s crucial to intentionally give ourselves time to grieve. This article explores meditation. It is a powerful and realistic way to cultivate patience during the grieving journey. Grieving is a complex…

Womens History Month

Lilias, Yoga and You: 1st to Broadcast Yoga on American TV

Lilias Folan (born 1936) began to practice yoga as exercise in 1964, and was soon teaching at the YWCA in Stamford, Connecticut. She studied asanas under the yoga masters T. K. V. Desikachar, B. K. S. Iyengar, and Angela Farmer, and gained wider knowledge of yoga under the Sivananda Yoga masters Swami Vishnudevananda and Swami Satchidananda. She joined the Connecticut ashram of the Divine Life Society led by Swami Chidananda. In the 1980s she met Swami Muktananda, creator…

Healing from Within The Yin Yoga Guide to Grief Recovery

Healing from Within: The Yin Yoga Guide to Grief Recovery

BONUS: Yin Yoga for Grief: A Gentle Healing Practice Grief is a universal experience, a profound and often challenging journey that touches us all at some point in our lives. The pain of loss can manifest physically, emotionally, and spiritually, affecting our overall well-being. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to grieving, the ancient practice…

Womens History Month

Michelle Young – Advocate for Accessible Learning

Michelle Young is a C-IAYT Yoga Therapist, E-RYT 500, and holds an M.Ed in Curriculum Development. She has been teaching in one capacity or another for almost 20 years, and she is passionate about creating authentic, accessible content that is both high quality and affordable. Absurdly high-quality yoga teacher training does not have to be expensive. Michelle…