Meditation to Calm Anxiety and Fear – Yoga Saved Me Podcast

Selfcare for Crazy Times It’s hard, we know. Take a few minutes to feel better. Get regular mindfulness support mentoring emails. * indicates required Email Address * First Name * Last Name These categories interest me! Recipes Playlists Mindfulness Meditation Podcasts Yoga Journaling Checklists Mindful Eating Challenges Workshops Facebook Groups Events Tapping Breathing Marketing Permissions …

Breathe, Release, Renew: Your Roadmap to Using Restorative Yoga for Stress and Anxiety

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety can feel like unwelcome companions. Restorative yoga is a gentle, powerful way to find calm and reconnect with your body. Restorative yoga, with its focus on relaxation, can offer hope to those seeking relief. Breathe The first step in your journey is to focus on your breath. In …

A woman with curly hair and eyes closed looking up with a slight smile

Cultivating Calm: The Yin Yoga Prescription for Anxiety Relief

Work, relationships, and our daily routines are demanding. They are making anxiety common for many people. Luckily, holistic approaches offer relief from this feeling of overwhelm. One such remedy is yin yoga. It is an ancient practice that brings deep relaxation and inner peace. Yin yoga is gentle and introspective. It involves holding passive poses …

rolled up towels, 3 lit candle jars and smooth rocks

Anxiety Be Gone: The Gentle Power of Yin Yoga for Relaxation

Many of us grapple with anxiety, a persistent feeling that can be overwhelming. Yet, there are gentle and effective ways to ease this burden. One such method gaining popularity is Yin Yoga. It is rooted in stillness, surrender, and deep relaxation. Yin Yoga is quiet and meditative. It targets the body’s deep connective tissues: ligaments, …

Picutre of stacked smooth stones with a leaf.

Embracing Calm: The Yin Yoga Approach to Grief and Anxiety Relief

Bonus: A Yin Yoga practice video for Gentle Healing In the tumultuous dance of life, grief and anxiety often appear. They are unwelcome partners. They weave into our lives. They leave us overwhelmed and unsteady. Amidst the chaos, there is a tranquil sanctuary. It is waiting to be discovered: the practice of Yin Yoga. In …

Breathe, Stretch, Heal: The Power of Yin Yoga in Relieving Anxiety

Breathe, Stretch, Heal: The Power of Yin Yoga in Relieving Anxiety

Bonus: Get a free Yin Yoga practice video. Details below. Grief comes in many forms. It can come from the loss of a loved one or from life’s unexpected challenges. Navigating the complex grief landscape is hard. Anxiety often joins the journey. Many seek solace and healing in yoga. In particular, the gentle practice of …