Black History Month Post 1: Yogis Alice & John Coltrane

Exploring Kemetic Yoga

Kemetic Yoga™ is the ancient Egyptian system of Yoga enlightenment based upon the practices of physical movements combined with controlled deep breathing and meditation. The modern version of this ancient system was developed from primary research conducted by Dr. Asar Hapi and Master Yirser Ra Hotep (Elvrid Lawrence) of Chicago during the 1970s. Kemetic Yoga™ …

Black History Month Post 1: Yogis Alice & John Coltrane

Black Women’s Yoga History – A Collection of Memoirs

BLACK WOMEN’S YOGA HISTORY: MEMOIRS OF INNER PEACE answers one question: How have Black women elders managed stress? Memoirs by women over age seventy punctuate African American history and emphasize how popular self-care practices have been present since at least the mid-nineteenth century, with roots in African traditions. Primary sources refer to meditation and yoga …